SEO: In-House, Agency or Freelance – What is Ideal for my business?

With the each coming day, online marketing is getting more importance. Big as well as small start-ups are investing for digital marketing channels to get business and higher return on investment out of it.
Search Engine Optimization a.k.a SEO is one of the powerful pillars of online marketing that stands in front line with other channels that includes PPC, email marketing and more.
Many businesses prefer SEO over PPC or email marketing, because of the fact that right SEO, is fruitful in the longer run and offer greater return on investment as compared to PPC, Email Marketing or any other tactics.
SEO is a long term investment and businesses should seriously consider it but the million dollar question is how to invest in SEO? There are many ways that include: hiring in-house SEOs, outsource your SEO needs to an agency or pass it to SEO freelancers.

Hiring In-House SEO Team:

SEO in the modern world is no more a single-handed game so in order to get results in terms of great increase in SERP rankings, traffic and leads you need a dedicated team of In house SEO professionals who are good at their respective area.
In-house team have multiple benefits such as it can help your website issues from time to time, so no big problem can occur. Also technical and search engine related issues can be caught on the initial step before it go worse.
Having a SEO team in-house can help you with other upcoming ventures that company might be planning in order to grow their business like sister website, pilot business model and more.
Team that really offers good return on investment contain a good amount of budget so most of the time hiring in-house SEO team in not an ideal option.
In House SEO
Outsource to SEO Agency:
When businesses do not have enough budgets to hire In-House SEO team the ideal option left is to outsource their SEO and online marketing needs to 3rd party people and SEO agencies that are sound, in the required skill.
Agency SEO
SEO agencies usually have team of SEOs, Content producers, Link builders and project managers hired in their team and they usually work with multiple clients around the globe.
Outsourcing your SEO needs to SEO agency is good in a way that you are handing over your work to the people who are connoisseurs and specializes in the wok that you are looking for, so you work is in the safe hands. SEO agencies usually work with multiple clients and have gone through different problems already so if your website faces any issue related to SEO they can immediately identify and fix it accordingly.
The nature of SEO agency is quite different from In-house and people tend to leave the agency as well as new people keep coming in and this is how the cycles goes. Therefore, here stands a greater chance that the people who are working for your project today might not work after few months and this might affect over all progress as well as the SEO efforts implied on the website.
Agencies usually don’t have time to communicate with you from time to time as they are already busy with many other clients. This causes problems when your company wants a sudden change in your online marketing strategy.
Hiring a Freelancer SEO:
They are also the superman of SEOs but do not work for In-house neither for an agency. They not only take on your SEO project but keep every aspect in mind and are responsible to bring in more traffic, ranking and leads for your business.
Freelance SEO
Usually people who are not satisfied with the agency atmosphere and way of working hire freelance SEOs for their online marketing needs as freelance SEOs usually don’t take too many projects and can listen to you more frequently then SEO agencies.
Freelance SEO consultant is responsible for your complete SEO project similar to agency and will be able to do everything to get the work done.
SEO freelance consultants are usually less expensive then SEO agencies so you can always cut your cost by handing over your SEO needs to a freelance SEO consultant.

What is Ideal for my business?

This is one of the most difficult questions which in my opinion have no perfect answer. If you have enough marketing budget that you can afford an in-house team then this is the perfect solution as this way you can enjoy more return on investment if your team is skilled and motivated enough to take your business to the next level.
However, if this is not the situation at your end, then you have to make a choice keeping the pros and corns in mind. If you are good with budget and happy with the environment and working mechanism of an SEO agency then this must be your choice. On the other hand, if you are looking for a person who dedicatedly handles your project and gives you updates about your project then in that case Freelance SEO consultant is the ideal option for your business.
Whatever your choice is either in-house, agency or a freelancer SEO consultant, you cannot eliminate or ignore the online marketing from your overall marketing budget or else you are allowing your competitors to outrank you and eat business from the online market.
SEO: In-House, Agency or Freelance – What is Ideal for my business? SEO: In-House, Agency or Freelance – What is Ideal for my business? Reviewed by CryptoNews on October 31, 2017 Rating: 5

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